Auto redirect http requests to https?

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Auto redirect http requests to https?

Postby WrathOfAramark » Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:12 pm

Hi Tristan,

Can we get the website to auto redirect http requests to https? Thank you for getting a comodo (or whatever the hell the are called now, TRUSTNINUSNSKABNDSIK, but really, Sectigo? C'mon. That's a terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible name no one will ever remember. I deal with those guys and I still have to go look up whatever their new name is all the time.) certificate for the website. I fully support enforcing strict HTTPS usage for all website (TLS 1.2 or better!). You never know if someone has the same username and password here as they do somewhere else.

Not sure of your ability to modify the nginx config, or if it's contracted out to cloudflare or some other host, but there's a few well documented scripts that should work....

As always, thanks for running this little slice of heaven. PM a paypal link or anything else and I'm glad to contribute.
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Re: Auto redirect http requests to https?

Postby Andrew B. » Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:48 am

I have been avoiding reading this new post
I knew my head would hurt and I would feel really stoopid :cry: :wink: :lol:
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Andrew B.
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