Trip Report - new years eve

Trip Report - new years eve

Postby Pow on the Mao » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:44 pm

i'm not sure how many people check this from the main board, but i figured if you read this page.. this stuff you'll want to hear.

my GF and i took 2 friends to SB on 12/31. they had skied SL for 4 days straight so it was a nice change of scenery. it was their best day of skiing, according to them.
winds were blowing and the entire top 1/3 of the mountain was completely scoured... i mean wow, it must have been whipping for some time. but the kennebago ran ALL DAY (we didn't find out until that night that it was a tbar day at SL and a late opening at that...)

we never waited in a line at the quad. not once all day. we did 6 or 7 laps through casablanca as tight line was not open much to my disappointment (my fav. groomer in maine). casa 3 and 4 were no good... wind swept. but 1 and 2 were catching allll the snow. it was deceiving at first because the wind had blown the pine needles onto the snow so it looked not that good, but that was not the case at all. it was thick coverage and buttery smooth. we lapped 1/2 all day with fresh turns every time. not deep powder, but fresh turns everywhere. and also, if you know what i'm talking about - casa 1.5 was completely untouched.
second best trail of the day was dark wizard. skiers right was my pick. very little traffic. after lunch we planned on burning through some groomers on the rangeley chair but the line was loooong. so we just headed back to casa, hence the 6 or 7 laps. again no line in sight at the quad.

overall we made SUCH a good call skiing SB on monday. it worked out really well. very impressed they kept the quad up all day when SL was crippled by wind. i guess direction has a big part in that. everyone we dealt with was great and cheerful. JQ was busy doing heavy work but still had time to say hello in the AM before heading out. can't beat it. pics below, got some great video too
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Pow on the Mao
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Re: Trip Report - new years eve

Postby salsgang » Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:27 pm

boing. way to go get it. Thanks for the SADDLEBACK STOKE
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Re: Trip Report - new years eve

Postby Pow on the Mao » Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:14 pm

my video was in picture mode for a few runs so i have 200 fish eye lens stills.. a few were cool though:
i found my soul on the ripsaw skin track
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Re: Trip Report - new years eve

Postby Loafman138 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:33 pm

I know exactly where you are talking about... Casablanca 1.5 is MINT. Thanks for the report
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