False Peak

False Peak

Postby Loafman138 » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:20 pm

The rumors I've been hearing are that a Lodge Expansion, Rangeley Quad are hopefully the big improvements for this Summer. Cutting on the magalloway trails should be starting sometime soon, and apparently the Rangeley will eventually be installed over there to service it. (You can still ski it from the new quad) Next on the list is not West Bowl, is not No Name, but I've been hearing it's False Peak. A False Peak chair would ruin our beloved Casablanca and ASC. I'm all for getting people to the top to let families experience it.... But that's why there's the Kennebago with America and Tri Color. A False Peak chair would turn Casablanca into a superhighway. Casablanca would most likely be chopped up into a few more trails. What happens when you put Casablanca next to a tightline or Supervisor? Many more injuries and headaches for patrol are created. The ASC is slated to have a little bit more cutting and clearing out of landings in Casablanca, and the finishing of the tops of Frostbite and Black Beauty. It's perfect the way it is, please don't throw away 2 Million bucks by putting in another triple or quad in the same area. Those who don't want to work to get over there are going to miss out. Keep Casablanca to the people who should be on it. Put the Kennebago T-Bar over to West Bowl rather than a new lift up False Peak. Anyone have any thoughts?
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Re: False Peak

Postby sbacka007 » Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:49 pm

I totally agree with you LM. I think that when this plan was made, Casablanca wasnt planned yet. If Casablanca wasn't there, it would make sense, but it doesnt. I think that, if its long enough, the old Kennebago T should go up no name. This would let you access more, better terrain on a windhold day, and also cheaply give us loads more terrain. As for West Bowl, i think that it will eventually be developed, but probably not in the near future (next 2 years).

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Re: False Peak

Postby Loafman138 » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:35 pm

Yeah that makes sense, the articles I was reading the other night were 1-2 years old. It's still on the map though leading people to believe it might be coming. Probably thought it'd create an uprising if they took another lift off the map. I wish we knew if the Kennebago was still kickin around or not, it'd make speculation a lot more fun. And conditions have been excellent... Trees are going to be even better with this new snow. The ASC the place to be right now, it gets no better. Plenty of natural snow, Casablanca buried.... Not sure about being open into May though.... It depends on how much terrain they can keep open. I find it hard to believe people would bypass the Loaf late late in the season just to ski a soaked Ghost and Weaver run out, and tricolor supervisor and Tightline. After April third they're only going to be open weekends... Keeps expenses down and PEAK passholders like myself don't really care. I herd it's been busier during the week there this year... Looks like they're shutting it down early before it slows up
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Re: False Peak

Postby tipsdown » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:43 pm

I have heard that False Peak is on the priority list...I have a slightly different opinion though...

If there was no other terrain expansion from the summit, I would agree that it would not be in their best interest given the points made in this post. But from what I understand, there's substantial terrain expansion planned on the other side of Muleskinner. If that's the case, I think a low capacity, low level lift (with a liftline comparable to Family Secret) would make sense...Add 30 acres of summit glades to what's already there and the mountain should handle that lift fine...Keep in mind it's going to be an experts-only area so novice/intermediate skiers won't be riding it..

I think Saddleback's biggest priority should be a top-bottom lift (ala better designed Super Quad) to replace the Rangeley....This would allow for potentially 3 summit lifts, all with their own unique trail system.

The first would be the Rangeley replacement...terminating up on the little nubble above the outer portion of America. It's the mellow section of the summit, so it would allow beginners an intermediates to ski several trails (with expansion) from the summit, not to mention it would be in the running for most scenic (and coolest) lift in the East. It would also provide access to drop into West Bowl.

The second would be the current Kennebego lift. This would continue to access the front face steeps aka Supervisor Tightline, Wardens, Governer, Secret....In the future, Saddleback could groom and extend some of these current trails to a future lower lift on the mountain (no name peak lift system) to accommodate those that like the long fast groomers..Or they can stay on the upper mountian and do laps on the Kennebego all day

And lastly Flase Peak. Terrain expansion out there would provide access to the already gnarly wildness Saddleback has become known for. As long as it's done right, this could potentially be my favorite lift of all of them...Saddleback's summit glades are very unique and this lift would only serve to reinforce that.

Eventually, access to the backside and west bowl should be the next priority.
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Re: False Peak

Postby farmboy » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:46 pm

I have on pretty good authority that the False Peak is not a priority as far as lifts go. Replacing the Rangeley double with a quad will be the next capital improvement at the resort.
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Re: False Peak

Postby salsgang » Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:50 pm

mmmmm.. new Rangeley.
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Re: False Peak

Postby Loafman138 » Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:42 pm

Well I would certainly hope so... But I herd false peak was higher on the list than Loafman thinks it should be. Judging at the pass increases for next year hopefully the lift for this summer is set in stone!
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Re: False Peak

Postby skiloaf » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:38 pm

I herd from Bill Berry a few years ago the old t-bar is being held in storage. The plan is to use it for the west bowl eventually. All small winding new england trails. No grooming. Probably 8 years out at this point. Not a priority.
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