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2024-03-25 Report

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:23 pm
by darkwizard
Got there at noon, the day after the big storm, and apparently big crowds, the day spring hours started and lifts were open until 4:55. Awesome day, perfect conditions I would say. I've never skied on fresh untracked powder, but this was as near after a big dump as I've ever skied. Snow surfaces were soft. Whatever groomed corduroy was there in the morning was gone and everything was bumped. Lots of fun. My plan was to ski the trees and that's what I did. I'm still getting the hang of it and I'm too focused on the trees instead of going around the trees. This will be my next thing to work on, having realized it. But, regardless, I like the adventure of it. Sometimes I link enough turns together to make some headway.

Hit all the glades beside Thombosis and Wooly bugger. I did three runs in Casablanca, I avoided chute 4 because I been there, and its wide open, but traversed all the others a few times. There is a '0' zero sign in there at one spot. Casablanca chute 0?

I think Intimidator might have been my favorite, I've never been through there before. I think I've been through most the other glades at least once.

Also, I find I catch more air at Saddleback! Coming back down across Nymph I think they call it, just before you get to the Kennebago, there's a nice straight on side hit. I think with the shorter runs at Saddleback, it just gives me opportunity to find good places to catch air and come back to them repeatedly.

I talked to all kinds of folks at Saddleback for their first time that day, at least 3 different folks on the lift, then a couple at the lodge for apres. Had a great chat with them. They were from the Adirondack area and frequent Whiteface. I've always wanted to visit the Adirondacks, never have.

The 3 in the trees rule. I had to put it aside to go through with my ski the trees plan. I'm only one unless I can find a lift buddy or trail someone, which happens often enough. Or if my girls are with me, but then we stay out of trees so far. But, there seems to be lots of singles in the trees at Saddleback and generally enough traffic in the trees to hope that someone would find you if you got in trouble. Getting lost isn't a concern of mine. Crashing into a tree is. Having done the risk assessment, I mitigate it somewhat by taking it slow. I bought a pack to hold a hydration pack and even carry skis A frame and it has a whistle built in, so further corrective risk mitigation. Anyway, the days of being hesitant because of the rule might be behind me.

Re: 2024-03-25 Report

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:31 am
by loafman207
Great report, I am dying to get up there before the end of the season.