Summer Doins at the Back

Summer Doins at the Back

Postby salsgang » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:47 am

Summer in full swing but always interested in winter news from Saddleback. I am sure there is the usual trail maintenance going on but I imagine no big capital improvements until they get the ownership / business structure situation settled. Anyone hearing any back channel news?
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Re: Summer Doins at the Back

Postby tipsdown » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:32 pm

Here is what I know is NOT happening: A portion of the mountain being set up in a Non-Profit (and as a result kissing a new Chair Lift goodbye for this year). The application was declined due to budget constraints as part of the sequestion earlier this year. Somewhat unfortunate since they sounded optimistic about it working out.

My understanding is that Plan B is to sell the mountain outright. To my knowledge there is no sale under agreement at the moment. Word around town is that there has been significant interest but the family has been unwilling to sell any or all of the other 7500-8000 acres thus far and prospective buyers aren't interested in purchasing ONLY the current footprint (which shouldn't come as a surprise).... which eeks out a profit on a good year.

The longer the stalemate drags on, the less selling power they will ultimately have. As I see it there appear to be 2 real options at this point: The Berry's concede the other 8,000 acres (or most of it) and decide to make it part of the deal, or they pull the sale and keep it.

Just my .02
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Re: Summer Doins at the Back

Postby salsgang » Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:47 pm

Hiked it a few weeks ago. Not much happening up on the mountain that I could see. As long as mother nature cooperates we will have another awesome year at Saddleback but it would be nice to get this ownership situation resolved as some point...
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Re: Summer Doins at the Back

Postby tipsdown » Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:07 am

salsgang wrote:Hiked it a few weeks ago. Not much happening up on the mountain that I could see. As long as mother nature cooperates we will have another awesome year at Saddleback but it would be nice to get this ownership situation resolved as some point...

Agreed.....The good news is there's continued interest from buyers. It's just a matter of whether they can agreed to price/terms.
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