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Spring Lift Hours

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:25 am
by Glade Monkey
I like their spring hours (starting 4/4) and the rationale
"Longer days mean more time to get spring laps! To capitalize on daylight and give our surfaces the early morning hours to soften up for the best spring conditions possible, Saddleback is shifting on-mountain hours to 1-hour later through the end of the season."
Lift Operations begin at:
Midweek (M-F): 10 a.m.
Weekends (Sat & Sun): 9:30 a.m.
*Please note that the South Branch and Kennebago Quads will now close at 4:40 p.m.
Last chair on the Rangeley Express Quad is 4:50 p.m.